Corde d'Autunno, Duo Savigni, Enrica Savigni, Giovanni Tammaro, Laura Savigni, Stauffer, Video

11-13/11/22 TouchTheSound Ensemble – XIII Festival Corde d’Autunno

A small excerpt from Serenade op. 63 by Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837) for violin, clarinet, bassoon, guitar and fortepiano. Live recording during the XIII Festival Corde D’Autunno, Centro Culturale Asteria, Milan (Italy) Audio-Video: Giovanni Tammaro Violin: Rocco Malagoli Clarinet:...Continue reading

26/05/22 Concerto a Milano di David Russell

David Russell in concerto Musiche di JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH, DOMENICO SCARLATTI, ISAAC ALBÉNIZ, GRANADOS, GOSS prevendita biglietti dal 20 aprile Organizzato da Festival Corde d’Autunno – Centro Asteria Evento in collaborazione con Conservatorio di Milano, TouchTheSound Project, Fondazione Monzino

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21/05/2022 Concerto Andrew York in Rome

Andrew York a Roma, TouchTheSound in collaborazione con Roma Expo Guitar 2022 SABATO 21 MAGGIO grande appuntamento a Roma in occasione del REG 2022: in concerto ANDREW YORK il quale si esibirà con una 1888 Antonio de Torres SE116 “La…

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DAVID ‘JOSE’ RUBIO (1934–2000) – 8-10 November 2019

A unique exhibition of the most representative instrument of  David ‘Jose’ Rubio: Britain’s Most Illustrious Musical Instrument-maker. Here the brochure of the event: The English luthier David Rubio embodies the link between flamenco art and Julian Bream. He devoted…

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TTS Masterclass students – Samuele Pirola

Here the video #3/6 of our first masterclass in June with Marco Ramelli – Guitarist and Petra Poláčková: Samuele Pirola (the youngest participant) plays for us Francisco Tárrega’s “Sueño” (Mazurka) on a beautiful Francisco Simplicio.

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TTS Masterclass students – Nicholas Rocca

Here the video #2/6 of the masterclass by Marco Ramelli and Petra Poláckovà: Nicholas Rocca. This is the moment of the father of modern guitar: Antonio de Torres singing the sweet Catalan folk-song El testament d’Amèlia arranged by Miguel Llobet.

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Past events: Simplicio Sound Experience – Festival Corde d’Autunno, Milano (Italy) 23/25 November 2018 Hauser Sound Experience – Fiera Cremona Musica, Cremona (Italy) 28/30 September 2018 Arias Sound Experience – Spring Break Symposium, Lier (Belgium) 7 April 2019 19th century…

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E’ il ramo educativo del progetto TouchTheSound, pensato per i piccoli studenti di chitarra. Comprende attività legate all’apprendimento, quali: Concerti per bambini, pensati con programmi cuciti su misura per le varie età Visite ed uscite a musei di strumenti e…

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  TouchTheSound Research is a project that wants to share research in the field of performance practice, ancient instruments, and historical repertoire. This channel wants to be a place for in-depth studies, held by researchers and students of conservatories around…

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Past events: 15/17 June 2018 (GuitarMind, Carpi) Masterclass with Marco Ramelli and Petra Poláčkova 15/16 Dec 2018 (GuitarMind, Carpi) TTS Winter Edition: 19th century repertoire. Duo Maccari-Pugliese, Enrica Savigni 24/26 June 2019 (GuitarMind, Carpi, Italy) TTS Contemporary: Giacomo Susani, Marco…

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